immagini e documenti della venezia giulia

Autore: Pierandrea Leucci, Ilaria Vianello
Anno: 2024
Formato: 16x23 cm.
Pagine: 330
Stampa interno: Bianco e nero
Copertina: Colore, brossura
Prezzo: Euro 48,00
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 88 6803 373 6



Maritime Security,
New Technology and Ethics

The ‘Associazione di Consulenza in Diritto del Mare’ (ASCOMARE) is pleased to present the third volume of its Yearbook series on the Law of the Sea, featuring contributions from international academics and practitioners. This volume focuses on the regulatory, legal, and ethical implications of using new technology in maritime security, emphasizing the need to ensure intra-generational equity and proportionality (North-South) in developing new regulatory mechanisms for access and benefit-sharing of resources and technology. 
ASCOMARE is a law of the sea think tank established in 2018 to conduct research and provide technical assistance on law of the sea matters to public and private entities. The main goal of ASCOMARE is to promote the study of the law of the sea and facilitate its uniform interpretation and application across maritime regions and states, in accordance with UN Sustainable Development Goal 14c. ASCOMARE is a founding member of the Consortium for the Study of Maritime Affairs and the Blue Economy (CONSMAR), and since 2021, it has served as Secretariat and depository for the Yearbook on the Law of the Sea publication series.



Mekhala Dave - A fin, a tale, a sail and a wave – where do we go from here?
James L. Kateka - Maritime security and the law of the sea: Piracy revisited
Markiyan Z. Kulyk - ‘Military activities’ exception under the UNCLOS in recent international jurisprudence
Christian Bueger - Maritime security in the age of infrastructure
Reece Lewis - Science, technology and the law of the sea:
Reflections on a relationship of dependency and construction
Emilie van den Hoven - Datafication and artificial intelligence in the South China Sea
Murat Sumer - Applicability of the right of innocent passage to maritime autonomous surface ships: Exploring the potential role of advisory opinions
Sara Guliyeva, Razy Aman Eddine - Bridging the maritime domain awareness gap: The role of new technologies in promoting equitable surveillance capabilities to fulfil environmental obligations under the law of the sea
Francesca Romana Partipilo - Getting rescued by RoboCop? Legal and ethical challenges of the use of extended reality in Frontex’s search and rescue operations at sea
Giorgia Bevilacqua - Managing migration in the Mediterranean Sea: from mythology to remote surveillance, the compatibility of the Italian strategy with international law of the sea
Pierandrea Leucci - Fishing activities conducted with the use of forced labour: New control tools and technology under the revised EU fisheries control system