immagini e documenti della venezia giulia

Autore: Giancarlo Persic, Roberto Chiacchiarini, Mattia Carloni, Pietro Galeotti
Anno: 2021
Formato: 21x29,7 cm.
Pagine: 254
Stampa interno: Colore
Copertina: Colore, brossura con alette
Prezzo: Euro 60,00
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 88 6803 300 2


Achtung Achtung

The gas mask and its container
English version

“Acthung Achtung... Gasalarm!” is our second book focused on the study of another fundamental component of the basic equipment of the German Wehrmacht soldier in the Second World War, namely the gas mask and its transport container. We are going to analyze the history and evolution, the types, characteristics and curiosities, also describing the main related accessories. This follows the first published book, “Bevevano e Mangiavano”, with a view to completing a series of studies all dedicated to objects that, until now, have always and only been treated marginally.